Shaun of the Dead (R)

Bibliographic info

Wright, E (dir.). (2004). Shaun of the Dead. USA: Universal Pictures

Libby Scale

2 out of 5


Horror, Comedy

Rating/Interest Age

Rated R for violence, gore & language (MPAA)

Plot Summary

Shaun loses his girlfriend because he doesn’t ever want to do anything differently. He decides he needs to get her back, but there happens to be a zombie apocalypse happening. Armed with a bat and a plan to protect her, Shaun and his friends set out to rescue his love and survive.

Critical Evaluation

Shaun of the Dead is intended to be a comical parody of other zombie movies. Many scenes are predictable and filled with satiric jokes (including choreographed zombie fight scenes). While many people give this movie a high rating (8 out of 10 on IMDB), I did not find this movie to my liking. It was decent, but entirely too cheesy. I felt they tried too hard to be funny throughout most of it.

Challenge Issues

Very violent and gory.

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